CanAx Accelerator 2021

🔔 We had an awesome opening session for #CanAx Accelerator 1st Cohort. It was exciting to meet our talented startuppers as well as our amazing partners.

Now its time to dive into the hard work ahead and live up to the promise of CanNegev #medicalcannabis Incubator, part of Israel’s Innovation Authority in cooperation with Yerucham Municipality, Ourcrowd, Padagis and BOL Pharma.

SID-Tech Accelerator 2021

SID-Tech Accelerator’s 3rd cohort session yesterday was exciting and mind blowing 🙂

We enjoyed Escape Box challenge emphasizing team work, leadership and creative thinking with Uriya Shrem from Merkaz Shlavim. We also enjoyed the professional and kick ass presentation of Guy Zbarsky of AltaIR Capital, sharing priceless tips on for to contract and work with mentors, consultants, advisory board members as well as with resellers and distributors.

👏 Thank you both for your outstanding performance.

Podcast with Marom Goldshmidt 2021

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 🚀 You want to know why and how?

Join my podcast on Openforbusiness, channel, part of The Open University of Israel Entrepreneurship Club, with the awesome host Marom Goldshmidt, with whom I share over a decade of hands on experience as an international accelerators Guru.

🎙Hear us on all platforms:

SID Tech Demo Day 2021

SID Tech Accelerator, mid term Demo Day, conduct in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange was a success!!! 🏆

Our startuppers did an amazing job, presenting their startups with precision and passion.

⭐️  Mind you this is only halfway of the program, yet investors and VCs were highly impressed and scheduled meetings ahead.
We have more work to do but the roadmap is clear, now its delivery time and we need to press for MVPs.

👏  Many thanks to our esteem judges panel for your attention and supportive feedbacks.

Thank you Tali Simon for hosting us in Taglit-Birthright Israel innovation center. Thanks Nitzan Kish Balan for sharing WonderJewel. Thank you MaofTech, Ran Kiviti, Gali Ben Michael, Ori Hacohen, Sivan Melnick Yaniv and my dear brother in arms Levi Segal, for your support and trust.

❗️ See you all in our final Demo Day Feb. 2022.


🔊 Join me in INNOTECH 2021, the international Cyber & HLS Innovation conference & exhibition.🛡️

We have everyone you would like to hear and meet in person, including Brig Gen. (res.) Dr. Danny Gold, Head, MAF’AT MOD as well as Dr. Rytis Rainys, Director of the National Cyber Security of Lithuania.🇱🇹

The conference will include an exhibition, showcasing the innovations of some 150 leading companies from Israel 🇮🇱  and abroad, so if you want to see and be seen by senior officials from the municipal, security, law enforcement, intelligence, and defense industry sectors, register today and secure your seat!!!


Disruptech Demo-Day 2021
🌐  Following 5 months of hard work and preparation, DisrupTech Dimona Accelerator’s startup preformed amazingly in the Demo Day while presenting their startups to investors, VCs and incubators operating in the Negev.

Our graduating startups made a giant leap and accomplished skills, experience and capabilities, rewarding them with amazing feedbacks.

👏  We thanks Mayor Benny Biton and the professional municipal team, Oren Oster and Yarden Benlulu, led by Dvir Shatz, for your leadership, support and continues involvement.

Many thanks to our supportive partnering companies, mentors as well as jury members for offering smart advice, guidance and tons of experience.

🏆  Our 11 graduating startups, you made us all proud and full of expectation to see what your future holds. Your commitment, persistence and dedication will certainly guide you well!

We hope to see you all develop, grow and empower the city of Dimona as well as Israel and the world.

✅  Stay tuned for our next callout for 3rd cohort 2022.

Unicorn Pitches Israel 2021

🦄  Delighted to return to the judges panel at Unicorn Pitches, one of the largest Startup pitch contest in the world. Special thanks to Startup.Network for organizing the competition series and Israeli co-organizer Tech It Forward.

Whether you are an Investor looking for future Unicorns, a Corporation looking for a solution or a Startup with an outstanding MVP seeking funds for the next round – JOIN Unicorn Pitches ISRAEL! 🇮🇱

📆  02 November, 2021, 4 PM, UTC +3.
Expand your network and show yourself to the world!!

📌  Click the ATTEND button and select your role!

CanAx Accelerator Launch Event 2021

🌎  What a show!⚡
Launching CanAx Accelerator was successful and full of action. Amazing lineup of speakers, entrepreneurs, startups, partners and guests, all came together to celebrate and get better acquainted at CanNegev Incubator in Yerucham city.

Here is the news!
🎯  We are now open for applications of entrepreneurs, researchers and startups in all technologies, located in the Negev region! Apply and challenge us.


CanAx is a 10 week acceleration program, designed to upgrade the skills of startuppers developing tech solutions in Negev.
CanRe is a 100K INS (equity free) grant to accelerate your MVP.
CanUp 1.25M INS per year (with equity) Incubation program.

CanAx Accelerator Manager 2021

🔊  I am delighted to announce my new mission to establish and manage CanAx Accelerator, initiated by CanNegev, 1st in the world state sponsored Incubator for Medical Cannabis, part of Israel Innovation Authority , and supported by prominent venture partners, Padagis (Perrigo Company plc), Ourcrowd , BOL Pharma and Yerucham Municipality.

💡  CanAx is calling entrepreneurs with ideas, medical doctors, researchers and startuppers with early-stage technologies related to Cultivation, Production, Pharma, DragDeliverySystem, ClimateTech, OrganicGrowing, AgTech, Biotech, Medical Devices, AI and Deep Learning, to submit their applications.

✅  Apply now:👉

Innofense IMod Innovation Program 

🔊 LAST CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (Until Sept. 12, 2021) ⏳

Secure $50,000USD grant for developing Dual-Use technologies in civilian and security sectors.

INNOFENSE Innovation Center led by Israel’s Homeland security i-HLS in collaboration with Israel Ministry of Defense, MAF’AT, IDF Air & Ground Forces, Intelligence Directorate and C4I Corps.

📌  Registration:

CanNegev Incubator  Meeting 2021

🇮🇱   Productive meetings end fast, with clarity and precision, so was my meeting with Mrs. Tal Ohana – טל אוחנה – Mayor of Yeruham, Mr. Israel Birenbaum – CEO, Mr. Ziv Bet-Or – VP Biz Dev CanNegev Incubator and Mrs. Adi Rosenberg- Director of Strategic Planning of Yeruham.

🔊   We’ve agreed to launch a new accelerator called CanAx, part of CanNegev Incubator, the 1st in the world state sponsored Incubator for Medical Cannabis and its partners BOL Pharma – בול פארמה, Perrigo Company plc and OurCrowd.

The program will launch its applications callout for entrepreneurs with ideas, medical doctors with research and startuppers with early stage technologies relating to Medical Cannabis, during September 2021. The 1st cohort will launch in November 2021.

⭐️   CanAx will be my No.17 accelerator and the 1st in Medical Cannabis stay tuned and gear up!


SID-Tech Accelerator 2021

🎉   SID-Tech Accelerator 3rd cohort was successfully launched last week, with 14 startups participating, 6 led by women founders, all are Negev region residents.

⭐️   We were privileged to have Mrs. אורנה ברביבאי – Orna Barbivay- Minister of Economy to inaugurate the cohort, along side Mr. אלון דוידי – Alon Davidi – Mayor of Sderot, Israel, Mr. Ofir Libstein- Mayor of Sha’Ar Hanegev, and Mr. Ran Kiviti Director, הסוכנות לעסקים קטנים ובינוניים.

💡  The program will run for 9 months, offering a rich content of professional lectures, mentoring as well as a variety of benefits, international networking and fundraising.

Good luck to all participants and special thanks to our partners and supports.

📌 Read about us (Hebrew):

Unistream 2021
הלב נמלא גאווה והנפש מתרוממת לנוכח הכישרון הרב, היכולות והביצוע של נוער יוניסטרים.
שמחנו לקחת חלק פעיל בתחרות, לפגוש רבים וטובים ובעיקר לספוג אנרגיה מדהימה, מוטיבציה מתפרצת והמון נחת.
לצוות יוניסטרים, קצרה היריעה ובכל זאת יישר כוח על העשייה המדהימה!!!
בהצלחה בהמשך הדרך לנוער המוכשר והמדהים, ואני מקווה לראותכם באקסלרטורים שלי בעתיד😊

Podcast with Gilad Bregman
חשוב שסטרטאפיסטים יתנסו וייקחו חלק באקסלרטור במטרה לקבל הנחייה מקצועית, מיקוד, כלים, קשרים וכישורים להמשך דרכם. עם זאת, בחירת אקסלרטור מתאים היא מעט מורכבת יותר ממה שנוטים לחשוב, במיוחד בישראל בה קיים שפע חסר תקדים של מעל 200 אקסלרטורים.
אז איך מוצאים את המתאים ומה לצפות לקבל ממנו? מה מצופה מכם כמשתתפים ומה אתם יכולים לצפות ממנהל האקסלרטור? מה חשוב לקחת בחשבון בבחירה, האם את המותג, תכני התוכנית, הנטווקינג המובטח, האם תשיגו השקעה באירוע הדמו דיי? רוצים תשובות לשאלות😊 הקשיבו לפודקאסט שערכתי עם גלעד ברגמן המקסים, וקבלו תשובה לשאלות אלה ועוד.
לינק פודקסט:

DisrupTech Dimona Accelerator

מחזור 2 של אקסלרטור דימונה הושק אתמול בהצלחה, בהשתתפות ראש העיר מר בני ביטון ו-20 יזמות ויזמים נרגשים.
בתוכנית ישתתפו 14 מיזמים, 12 מהם תושבי העיר דימונה, הישג חסר תקדים! 2 מיזמים נוספים מגיעים אלינו מערד ואופקים.
ראש העיר בירך את המשתתפים והדגיש את החשיבות הרבה שעיריית דימונה רואה בתוכנית, בקידום חדשנות טכנולוגית, פיתוח ההון האנושי ומקומות תעסוקה איכותיים וכן את המחויבות של כלל גופי העירייה, לסייע בהצלחת כלל המשתתפים, להשיג אבני דרך משמעותיות במיזמיהם.
באירוע שהתקיים במתחם היזמות נטגב, השתתפו נציגי אגפי האסטרטגיה בראשות דביר שץ, חשבת העירייה סימה כחלון מנהל אגף החינוך מקס פרץ.
תודות לאורן אוסטר רפרנט החדשנות באגף האסטרטגיה על ארגון והפקת האירוע, כמו גם על האירוח והכיבוד.
איחולי הצלחה לנבחרת הסטרטאפים המדהימה. נמשיך לעדכן לאורך התוכנית.

AUS&R 2021 Conference for Autonomous systems 2021

🇮🇱 I was delighted to share some humor and facts about why Israel is considered the Startup Nation. The conference was hosted by Israel’s Homeland security i-HLS & AEAI לשכת המהנדסים.

💡Major takeaways:
📌 Taking risks is 2nd habit for Israelis.
📌 Failure considered part of reaching success
📌 Startups are about people and than technology
📌 Sense of urgency is a great motivator.
📌 Having a purpose and expectations in everything we do is a must!

✅ Note: I’m IHLS startups Accelerator Program Director as well as International Alliances & Innovation Director at Autonomous Systems Society at AEAI

Open University Entrepreneurship Club Podcast 2021

🔊 Startups Are you Open for Business ⁉️

Startups, Accelerators & what’s in the middle?

🎙 I was delighted to share a podcast with Marom Gold on his channel Openforbusiness part of Open University Entrepreneurship Club. We had an informative discussion regarding tech entrepreneurship, accelerators and my personal impact on both in Israel and worldwide.

Questions were surprising, I hope so were my answers

📌 I’ll share a post once the Podcast is out. For now you’re welcome to listen to other awesome speakers:


Delighted to participate as keynote speaker at the Innovation Manager’s course of GCA Government Companies Authority רשות החברות הממשלתיות, talking about expectations, gaps and challenges that surround the interaction between #startups and governmental companies.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

Tal Catran
Startups & Acceleration Guru

דימונה על מפת הסטארטאפ ניישן!

הצטרפו לתוכנית שתזניק אתכם קדימה, באמצעות ליווי מקצועי, עסקי וטכנולוגי.

תוכלו ליהנות משפע הטבות של חברות מובילות בארץ ובעולם, מיקרוסופט, אמזון, מאנדיי, DSV וגם WIX.

התוכנית כוללת שפע תכנים עסקיים, מנטורינג מקצועי וסיוע בחיבור ללקוחות וגיוס הון.

זו ההזדמנות שלכם להפוך רעיונות מעולים לסטרטאפים מצליחים.

לפרטים נוספים והרשמה הכנסו ללינק:

Apply for DisrupTech Dimona Accelerator

Last call to apply for DisrupTech Dimona Accelerator!!!

Join us and enjoy a program rich in content and professional business & tech mentoring,
You will also enjoy perks and benefits from leading Israeli and international companies.
The program will be conducted via physical and virtual sessions, including investor’s Demo Day.

For further details and application:

We invite professional mentors to join MaofTech and conduct paid consultation to the participating startuppers.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!
Tal Catran
Startups & Acceleration Guru

🔊 Delighted to join the jury panel of MTVentures 4th AgeTech startups LIVE Competition and Dr. Yael Sorek-benvenisti, CEO of MTVentures. We expect the impact of COVID on senior population is significant, hence the opportunities for disruptive startups to emerge and offer innovative solutions.

We call for innovative startups with creative business models to apply by Thursday March 25th. 📌 Competition is open for Israeli based startups with MVP & initial traction or an identified customer base.

🏆 Cash reward – 5000$ and consultation!

Disclosure: My photo is from 3rd edition 2019 pre-COVID and pre lifestyle change of diet & exercise, my personal solution for anti aging.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀

Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

It takes only a spark✨ to start galaxies 💫and to create an idea.

Start InNegev 1st cohort launched!

18 exciting startups participated in the opening event, together with InNegev Incubator management, partnering and supporting companies, including Israel Innovation Authority and the program mentors.

Start InNegev startups include #Agtech#Cleantech#Foodtech, and #Industry4.0 technologies.

The hard work starts now, Start InNegev!

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

🔊 Join me for Startup Funding Summit 2021 and learn how to succeed in Fund Raising for your #Startup. I’m delighted to participate as a keynote speaker in the conference organized by World Finance Council.

📆 Date: March 19, 2020, 9:30 AM
📌 Topic: Startups Exits Strategy from Corona Pandemic
🔊 Block your calendars!

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

Agetech startup competition. 2020

Amazing young audience, engaged, supportive and eager to learn. Yael Sorek-benvenisti, kudos for promoting wellbeing for 3rd and 4th age populations, supported by Migdali Hayam Hatichon fund.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Hardware World Podcast / 2020

📌Its a great way to start the new year with such podcast.
🎙I was glad to talk and share some insights about acceleration programs from my vast experience of launching 14 acceleration programs in various technology clusters. What is #accelerator program? Can it help my #startup? What is right accelerator for me? Will it help me to grow and reach funding? Can accelerator help me to launch my #technology?
👏🏻I want to thank Lior Ansher Eshel on this awesome interview and his innovative idea to take the Hardware world and create a Podcast on it!
📍Please tune in, subscribe, share in the following links:
Apple Podcast:
Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Ga2Tech SID-Tech / 2020

💡Corona is upon us but Startups must keep on pushing ahead. Awesome investor’s panel yesterday, over 40 startups participated.📈

🖥Panelists Anna Moshe, Guy Zbarsky Sharon Chen Amit Svarzenberg, Ofer HaCohen Chai Avital.
Challenging times call on people willing to adjust and persevere.

👏Thanks all for making the effort.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

360 Cyber Security Summit and Expo / 2020

📈The meaning of Israeli Chutzpa has yet another twist. Tal Kollender, 🛡gytpol CEO, a young startup company by its own right, made it almost to the Top.
What an honor and pride to walk between the giants of the industry at CPX 360 Cyber Security Summit and Expo – Vienna 🆙
💪Go gytpol!!!

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Interview with Entrepreneurship and Business course by Small and Medium Businesses Agency / 2020

💡Interviewed as part of an Entrepreneurship and Business course by Small and Medium Businesses Agency, sharing my experience and some best practices.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Blitz בליץ on Exit Strategies for Startups from Coronavirus / 2020

🇮🇱It was fun and exciting to talk at Blitz בליץ on Exit Strategies for Startups from Coronavirus, together with my awesome host Tal Hazi, Blitz Founder & CEO.

⭐️I would like to thank all the participants and their valuable comments, hoping this webinar motivated you to be optimistic and get yourself and your business ready for the Day After Corona.

💡Be proactive and always remember;
It all start(-up)s with you.

✅Watch the full webinar on Facebook: 👉

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Startup Nation V4 / 2020

Practice makes Perfect!
💡Startups are a different breed of people, doers, makers, go-getters, and yes also dreamers. I hope my speech conducted Startup Nation style, will push you to be proactive and use your full potential, considering failure as a building block for success.
🇸🇰 🇵🇱 🇮🇱 🇨🇿 🇭🇺
Thank you Tal Ben-Ari Israeli Embassy to Poland and other Israeli Embassies to Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, as well as to all the startup founders that participated.

📌Watch the full webinar:

Hope to see you again and don’t forget;❗
Its all about what YOU DO, and less about what you’re gonna do!

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Digital Hackathon Smart7- Open B7 Data / 2020

🇮🇱 I was delighted to be a Keynote Speaker in the Digital Hackathon Smart7- Open B7 Data, held in the city of Beer-Sheva, also known as the Cyber Capital of Israel. The main target of the event was to ideate and kickstart development of Urban solutions for the New Normal of COVID19 day to day challenges.

🐙 Proud of Oktopous team Dima Gusyatiner & Ruslan Fligel, participating in #Disruptech Accelerator for wining 2nd place out of 17 groups competing.

🐙 Oktopous offers businesses to advertise on all social networks via its single interface portal, to their designated customers as well as receiving their feedback and requests, from all networks in one place, and yes there is more to come….

📌Watch the full webinar on Youtube:

Well done to all teams.👍
Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

IHLS Startups Accelerator 8th Batch / 2020

🛡We are IHLS startups Accelerator, the leading Security and Defense startups program since 2016, inviting you to apply for the 8th cohort.

🔋Accelerate your #startups with top experts and #mentors, utilize international access to potential #customers and partners, enjoy a vast reach to global #funds and exposure.

📌Apply here:

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

UnistreamYouth Entrepreneurship Program / 2020

⭐️Enjoyed being part of the judges panel on Unistream- Youth Entrepreneurship Program, startup’s pitch.

💬 3 groups ages 15-18 presented, their creative startup ideas.

📜Unistream operates 21 technology entrepreneurship centers throughout Israel 🇮🇱, present in 75 municipalities, with 3,500 youth participants annually. I was delighted judging the Akko (Acre) municipality Unistream center, as my late grandfather Mr. Joseph Catran, was Mayor of the city.

🎯Unistream’s mission is to improve Israeli society, by training underprivileged Israeli teens and young adults in entrepreneurship and leadership, in both the business and social arenas.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

Hacking and Cyber Security Briefing / 2020

c0c0n 2020 (13th Addition) proved to be the best one yet, with over 5,000 delegates worldwide and 40M viewers. I trust my esteemed panelists hands-on experience and use cases, will benefit our attending audience during these neurotic and unpredictable times.

⭐️ Stay vigilant to what you don’t see, and attentive to possibilities you’ve never considered before.
Knowledge is key for evolution, and cyber will forever be the uncharted realm of imagination and ingenuity.

See you at c0c0n 2021 🙂

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran

IHLS startups Accelerator 7th wave 2020

IHLS startups Accelerator 7th wave successfully launched with 9 awesome startups, all with MVPs, some with first adaptors and sales. We now have on board 5 Drone companies, 1 Geospace, 1 IT System, 1 SAR Simulator and 1 Laser Tech.
💡We welcome investors, funds, corporates, mentors and all-around professionals, to reach out and engage with our amazing startups.

If you believe hard enough in yourself and what you do if you are willing to give it your outmost, if you are kind to share your experience, over time you will receive recognition and be given opportunities to do so a greater scale.📈

The Marker Journal 2020

👏Thank you Yoel Zafrir (Editor), for inviting me to be part of TheMarker Online Israeli Hi-Tech book December 2019 in collaboration with IATI (Israel Advanced Technology Industries).
I hope you will all enjoy reading.


CyberTech Global 2020

🇮🇱 Amazing atmosphere here at CyberTech Global 2020, a global platform and meeting place for the Cyber industry from all over the world, showcasing Israel’s cutting edge #Cyber Security Technologies.🛡

🤝Great opportunity to meet old time friends and colleagues from Israel Aerospace Industries, AT&T, as well as successful startups like gytpol.

📌On special request of Mrs Esti Peshin, Israel Aerospace Industries VP&General Manager, I’m changing my slogan this one time to,
Don’t Hesitate, Innovate!!! 🚀🚀🚀

Microsoft for Startups 2020

🤝Pleasure meeting Amit Svarzenberg Israel Partnerships Manager at Microsoft for Startups, to finalize launching a partnership with Tal Catran’s accelerators, offering both startups and alumni to enjoy an amazing package of services, credits and benefits by Microsoft 💻

📍Stay tuned for more details in the coming days.
Tamar (my little helper) had a great time as well 😊


15 יזמות ויזמים ובקרוב מאד סטרטאפיסטים מעולים הצטרפו למפגש וספגו ניסיון וידע מהסטרטאפיסטית יוצאת הדופן מאי פיאמנטה כמו גם ממנהלי אקסלרטור טל כתרן ועומרי דאי. התחלה מצויינת ורבת פוטנציאל. אנו מזמינים מצטרפים אחרונים להגיש את מועמדותם כבר בימים הקרובים
⏳בלינק הבא:
יוצאים לדרך בתחילת מרץ,

Israel Aviation Conference 2019

colleagues, kudos IAC and Israel’s leading airlines.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

Israel Aviation Conference 2019, Privileged to meet General Amikam Norkin Commander of the Israeli Air Force and retired Air Force Commander General Avihu Ben-Nun.

Proud to take part in #unistream 2019 Entrepreneur of the Year Competition. I invite you to join and watch 80 ground breaking Startup companies led by a thousand talented youth from the periphery and all parts of the Israeli society.


Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

Startup Ecosystem in Germany 2019

Fun meeting leading startup ecosystem figures and learn how to conduct business and raise funds in Germany. Special welcome to Tanja Sternbauer for formally joining our kickass StartupNation community.

TMTI 2019

Always a pleasure meeting friends and colleagues, this time during TMTI #TheChallenge competition.

Sid-Tech Launch 2019

Excited to launch SID-Tech Accelerator in the western Negev city of Sderot, Israel, in corporation with #MaofTech and SMBs Agency- Ministry of Economy and Industry.
Honoring the event were Economy & Industry Minister Eli Cohen, Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi, Director of SMBs Agency Ran Kiviti and Maof-Tech South Branch Director Effi Machlev.
Proud to establish my #13 Accelerator in Sderot, facing challenges yet uncovering potential. Stay tuned and supportive.

Israel-Jinan Tech & Innovation Seminar

Time to Hackfest Innovation, Technology and have lots of Fun. Join me at #UNLIMITED and share your ingenuity, creativity and skills, I promise to share mine.

Pleasure participating in Israel-Jinan Tech & Innovation Seminar, discussing with Mr. Sun Shutao Mayor of Jinan city, the opportunity to establish the 1st Israel-Jinan Innovation Hub, as well as forging cooperation with Israeli startups. Ben Bar Chairman at ICI, thank you for enabling Israeli startups and companies business opportunities in China. Moti Hirsh Meir great job representing HAIFA City-עיר חיפה my hometown, xièxie (she she)
Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

HANGAR Event 2019

Excited for the opportunity to make an impact on startups and founders.
Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

See how we did it last year:
This year its even better:
Check out who’s gonna be there:

ISDEF Expo Event

Join us at ISDEF Expo and support your favorite security tech startup on its potential journey to CSF Ventures Incubator in #Singapore.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 2019


Ga2Tech Accelerator first Demo Day was exciting and educational. Our startups founders stepped out of their comfort zone and gave an awesome show. Many thanks to our distinguished guests and to Taglit Innovation Center. Stay tuned for July 30th and join our final event.
Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

EVE – Femtech Hub

#Femtech in Israel, led by EVE – Femtech Hub, home to a unique mixture of technology startups and female/male founders, now resides in Powerhouse TLV. We thank our gracious supporters and many friends for venturing with us to the realms of Femtech and beyond.
Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!