What an incredible experience at LOGIN 2024 in Vilnius!

Delivering my keynote, “𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝: 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬,” was rewarding in many ways, allowing me to share some inner values and kickass.

During my speech I touched on the unfiltered truths of entrepreneurship, the highs and lows of the journey, all starting with self confidence and appreciation, moral values and a clear target, keeping eyes on target, overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, and maintaining resilience!

LOGIN 2024 was a fantastic gathering of innovators and thought leaders, featuring over 300 speakers and covering a wide range of topics in the innovation ecosystem. From insightful panels to inspiring keynotes, the conference provided a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.

🏆The Startup World Cup Baltics Regional Competition, allowed a peek into the acceleration of LT entrepreneurs, still in need of some brushing and shining on delivering pitch presentations.
Show is over and now back to the drawing boards and hard work, the less fun side of startup life.

The 2nd day of EdTech Week Lithuania 2024🇱🇹, proved to be valuable to meet more interesting people and startups.
I tell people I walk in the lands of giants, well now I have proof😁

Arnoldas Nauseda, my talented partner at On Target, recently fundraised a huge round of millions €, and launched an Edtech startup (more soon), Edgaras Gervaitis – principal of Vilniaus Ozo gimnazija conducting most of its studies via remote teaching, Märt Aro- Co Founder of Nordic Edtech Forum N8 and a remarkable Estonian EdTech professional, and Peter Fagerström – Founder of Educraftor- accelerating Digital Education as part of the European Digital Education Hub (more on Peter’s activity soon).

I wish to thank Rūta Krasauskienė – NSA Director and Indre Suoliene – Head of NSA EdTech Center, as well as my organizing team Egita Veblauskaite, Rosita Saukaitė and Kotryna Tomkevičiūtė for your trust, teamwork and professionalism, that made our EdTech Week a success.

👏🏻Thanks to the talented startups and Founders for your cooperation and efforts. To all our professionals, experts, panelists, moderators, partners, teachers, educators, friends and colleagues, for your inspiration and grace.

We have more to accomplish and much to achieve, for the future of education in Lithuania. We need to improve on sharing of information, ideas, opportunities and best practices, as well as more open communication and networking, clear roadmap, action plan and milestones.

To my right Rūta Krasauskienė – NŠA Director and Indre Suoliene – head of EdTech Center. To my left Rafał Lew-Starowicz – Vice President EdTech Poland Foundation, Jurgita Jaruševičienė – Chairwoman and CEO of EdTech Lithuania Association and Miska Noponen – Board Member EdTech Finland.

The 1st day if the conference was filled with panels, workshops and Expo of 20 startups.
🎥 Interviewed by local TV about the conference’s impact and importance Laurynas Zubavičius.

Met startups that launched in TechHub accelerator I mentored as well as exciting new ones.

2nd day of the conference is now in play, stay tuned for more😉

Vadovų konferencija EBIT 2023 

EBIT 2023 just ended, leaving many with expectations for the EBIT 2024, which in my opinion be impacted by AI and might wear a different suit. Now starts the hard work of turning information into knowledge and action, on a personal as well as business level.

The Baltic Education IT Leaders Summit 2023

🇱🇹 🇱🇻 🇪🇪 The Baltic Education IT Leaders Summit proved valuable and educational to all participants.
We enjoyed sharing knowledge and expertees, only to find all 3 countries face common problems and challenges in the schooling system and in aspects of determining the best curriculums, immersing Edtech into schools, maintaining an open channel of communication with teachers, parents and students, while dealing with data collection, analysis and conversion into actionable roadmap.

💡 It was an opportunity to get professional feedback from next door colleagues, on solutions, methodologies and doctrines in use, as well as to enjoy lectures by experts on topics of AI, data collection, cyber and IT solutions. We had an opportunity to visit a school in #Vilnius and have an open discussion with several school’s principals and later a tour of the old city and its delights.
Thank you Rūta Krasauskienė Director of Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra and Indre Suoliene CEO of EdTech Center Lithuania, as well as to our colleagues Ilona Platonova and Toomas Adson head of Latvian and Estonian delegations, as well as to your motivated and enthusiastic delegates.

Login 2023

LOGIN 2023 proved to be more than expected in several aspects which I’m sure will be shared by the other speakers and audience.

I imagine that for those attending it was somewhat difficult to choose which lecture to attend, because they were all excellent, educational and inspiring.
The weather was supportively amazing and competed only with the vibe and enthusiasm shared by all.
Aside from sharing my thoughts and disruptive approach to encourage Lithuanians to take action and live up to their full potential, presenting Israel Startup Nation as a successful case study, I finally had the opportunity to meet with Aušrinė Armonaitė – Minister of Economy and Innovation, behind the scenes as well as on stage, for a straight forward, practical and motivating talk.

– Be proud, be sharp and have a clear target
– Do more- not just complain🙂
– Engage and discuss- measure results and less intentions
– Education is key- Edtech should be enhanced
– Government is an enabler- startup excuters!
– Cooperation with Israel- advantage
– The only way is UP- Downsizing is for free
– Try out for yourselves- don’t be lazy

👏🏻 Thanks Sandra Meskauskaite-Stepsiene, Tomas Stasiukevičius Fausta Barauskaitė for inviting me as well as organizing and conducting a well orchestrated conference.
Thanks Izraelis Lietuvoje, Ambassador Hadas Wittenberg Silverstein and Deputy Erez Golan for participating and supporting my visit and participation.
Thanks to all the supporters, friends and partners, old and new, that attended the conference and cheered for me, you’re all amazing.

Setting Goals for Mindset Change | NSA 2023

I was delighted to meet with Rūta Krasauskienė, Director of Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra and several departments manager of the agency, to discuss ways of adjusting the mindset of agency’s employees and managers, to better engage with their customers, being startups and companies from LT🇱🇹 and abroad, as well as to improve communication, management and social skills.

– Self presentation must be practiced and adjusted to the audience
– Take yourselves out of the office and go meet your customers on their turf
– Remember how you felt and thoughts about your governing body representative came to give you advice or instruction. Be kind and respect the other’s experience and vision
– Being creative and out of the box thinkers is essential for the development and productivity of any organization, and should be appreciated and supported by managers
– If you feel you deserve more, think what more are you willing to give or do in return
– Be proud of your workplace, and you think some changes are needed, propose them in a clear and respectful manner.
– A smile and a good word will open many doors for you!
💡We are engaged in an exciting roadmap of adjustments and change.
Enjoy a productive and educational BETT show.

lesson learned😎
Long story short…. Wrong address in Bolt, stuck in snowy forest☃️ middle of nowhere at the time my keynote speech was scheduled to start at VILNIUS TECH University where 50 students were waiting for me.
After some technical difficulties, I began the lecture while in taxi, with a supportive audience, participating and conducting a dialog with me
20 minutes into the lecture I was running up the stairs and into the classroom
Ended well, students very engaged and cheering.
Thank you again Puriene Vilma and your colleagues Lina Bakšienė and Leva Meidute-Kavaliauskiene for your kind patience, understanding and support.
Resilience, determination, creativity and human kindness came together at the right time💪
Thanks Karolis Ščerbauskas CEO at mOintellect for joining and supporting.

EdTech 2022

💥 In the years ahead, the EdTech market will continue to grow. Online learning, enhanced by Metaverse as well as augmented technologies, has the power to open up the world for everyone, both socially and economically. EdTech is not only about school kids, it’s a constantly developing sector that targets university education, vocational schooling as well as workers looking to change careers.

✨I’ve conducted a productive discussion last week regarding way to accelerate the Lithuanian EdTech ecosystem. with Indre Suoliene Head of EdTech Center at Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra Justina Kugytė- Digital transformation in Education & Advisor at Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, as well as meeting two of the more promising EdTech startups in 🇱🇹Lithuania Mokosi led by Jurgita Jaruševičienė, that already commercialized in EU and BBright led by Mantas Vičius.

Knowing the importance of EdTech worldwide and its spread of startups especially in Easter Europe, it can become a hub for this cluster, as it’s the case in Israel- Startup Nation.🌍

The name of the game is a community that openly share, cooperate, and joining hands for a stronger ecosystem.

If you want to walk fast walk alone. But if you want to walk far away together!😉
I hope we will soon turn potential into action.

ISM University 2022

💥Lecturing to students is my one of my personal favorite, making me feel privileged to imprint some of my personal experience and insights, hopefully serving them best at future crossroads and in decision making.

Last week was my time with ISM University of Management and Economics, entrepreneurship and innovation program students, led by Eigirdas Žemaitis.

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬:
⚈ Startups are not for everyone but participating in one, would accelerate you personally and professionally.
⚈ Startup are first of all about people + technology + hard hard work + luck = some chance for success.
⚈ Try, explore, test by yourselves as much as you can before adopting other’s experience.
⚈ Have a clear target in your sights before accelerating, remember your fuel tank is limited.
⚈ Keep moving forward at all times, don’t ever stop.
⚈ Startups must have innovation and technology, and make money.
⚈ Failure is a building block for success, risk taking is part of being ready to fail.

Keep in touch and Fake it until you make it 😉

✨As in most of the countries I work with, the local Innovation Authority plays an important role in setting the national directive in regards to policy making, funding for startups, feeling and sharing the pulse of the ecosystem, international collaboration and substantial knowhow and experience.

My meeting with Mrs. Romualda Stragienė- Director at Innovation Agency Lithuania and Roberta Rudokiene- Head of Startup Lithuania, was sincere, educational and potentially practical should my advices be considered. I have worked with many startups in Lithuania🇱🇹 as well as with accelerators and participated in both Invega tenders for government funded programs (but didn’t win), over the past 6 years. 🌎 I have witnessed its advancements as well as being actively involved in its growth. The startups are maturing, the ecosystem is vibrant and expanding, success is eminent, regardless of any assistance because startups are born from capable, determined, extraordinary people, and Lithuanian startuppers are same as others in the world.

〽️ As the agency is now reorganizing its structure, I see the opportunity to try a different approach, one I have shared in the meeting (don’t want to spoil the surprise, should my recommendations be implemented).

⭐️Had the pleasure and privilege to visit Avia Solutions Group and meet Vygaudas Ušackas- Directors Board member and former 🇱🇹Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, for a delightful and productive meeting, accompanied by Julius Norkunas- Startups, Aero Innovation & VC Director and Romas Butkevicius- Head of R&D.

👏🏻 Special thanks to Ornela Ramasauskaite- Marketing expert and a brilliant people’s matcher, for facilitating this acquaintance🙂

Avia Solutions Group is impacting the next generation of aviation startups, by offering a unique runway to launch aviation related technologies and circulate them worldwide utilizing its diversity and brand.

✅Excited insight of our cooperation potential, having great minds working together towards for a better tomorrow in Aviation industry.
Its not a question of If and When, it’s a clear Yes and Now!

Verslo žinios Lithuania Podcast 2022

🇱🇹 Nedvejokite! Judėkite pirmyn! 🇱🇹

🎙️ YOU know I make everything my business to speak openly and directly, having my best intentions and experience in mind, to promote, better the chances and practically engage all stakeholders of startup’s ecosystems worldwide. I say it like I see it!

Lithuania has been one of my examples of success and pride. Verslo žinios, welcomed me to Lithuania in 2016 and I’m thankful again for the opportunity to sound my voice in this podcast.

Thank you Editor in Chief Mr. Rolandas Barysas, Vilija Jankutė-Kopūstė, Paulius Grinkevičius, Emilis Lingė, Vladimiras Ivanovas and Indrė Žilinskaitė for your kind invitation.

During 2021 Israeli startup raised over $24 Billion USD and made exists and IPOs in a staggering total of $80 Billon USD. Lithuanians, now its your turn!

I hope you enjoy listening.


TechHub Demo Day 2022

TechHub 4th cohort is nearing its Demo Day, Feb. 10th and I enjoyed conducting the last session and mentoring on pitch presentation and how best to address investor’s expectations and how to successfully raise funds.

💡 Problem and solution must be sharp and focused, and most importantly 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝, as should the value proposition. Addressable market should be identified and efforts should be concentrated on engaging with potential customers.

I trust our startups will kickass, and make an impact.

Good luck! 🍀

Stay tuned as 5th cohort will launch in February.

“A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.” (Arthur Miller).

🇱🇹. I was delighted to meet Verslo žinios Editor in Chief Mr. Rolandas Barysas, as well as conduct , a podcast discussing the startup ecosystem in LT, challenges and opportunities, with Paulius Grinkevičius, Correspondent of Innovation, Science and Technology, and Emilis Linge, Podcasts editor.

Special thanks to Vladimiras Ivanovas, photographer in charge of my photoshoot and to the talented Indrė Žilinskaitė for making this exciting day happen.

🎙 Podcast is gonna air next week, stay tuned.

Rockit Fintech Day 2022

🔊 I was delighted to visit the talented team of ROCKIT, and enjoy a tour of the co working space, it’s perks and leisure spots.

I will share more about what’s to come at ROCKIT, but now would like to invite you all to participate in 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐲 Feb 22nd, a conference based on the most trending Fintech topics 2022 and discussions:

🌐 Digital currency, Financial Inclusion and Open Economy, WealthTech trends, Green Economy, KYC and other topics.

The event is organized by ROCKIT and Partners of the Lithuanian Fintech ecosystem and abroad. It is the place and platform to be visible, to speak loud, and raise the most necessary themes, questions, and share the knowledge.

📌 Agenda, link to register, speakers other info in the landing page: https://www.rockitvilnius.com/fintech-day

Follow for more….

Meeting Ambassador Yossi Levy and Economic Officer Konstantin Hazanov to discuss my acceleration activities with TechHub in Vilnius & Evolut in Kaunas.

Israel being the startup nation, shares its experience and knowledge worldwide. 🌎

I was delighted to find enthusiastic partners to accelerate with 🙂

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

EVOLUT 4.0 Demo Day 

Innovation is boosting out of Kaunas. 🇱🇹

⭐️  Met with Jurgita Jaruševičienė CEO of Moksi tutoring platform and her awesome team to plan our steps towards the international market, next stop Baku Azerbaijan.🇦🇿 Also joined the professional judges panel for the 4th time in Evolut 6th cohort Demo Day, moderate by the talented Romanas Zontovičius.

Startups of Kaunas, join hands and make your impact echooooo🔈

TechHub Pre-Accelerator Program 2021

TechHub is accelerating full speed🚀

Startups are based on talented people with outstanding capabilities, smart and some crazy🤪

Well… we have a lot of that in 4th cohort as well as well as a diversity of technologies and motivated startuppers.

Like, Follow and Join us February 10th 2022 for the Demo Day🏆

About TechHub: 📍 https://mita.lrv.lt/techhub/pre-akceleratorius

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

TechHub Pre-accelerator Program 2021

4th cohort of TechHub pre-accelerator program is gaining speed, and I’m coming to Vilnius University Tech Hub to Accelerate our talented startuppers!

btw: Winter is also coming😊 🥶

Looking forward to also meet our previous cohorts alumni on Wednesday Dec. 1st 18:30 at the Get2Gather party.

For more about the coming week’s event, seminar, workshop & 1on1 mentoring sessions, open to all our mentors & alumni, follow your cohort’s Facebook page or contact  Milda Vilčinskaitė.

Its gonna be a wild week!!!

As always you’re welcome to schedule meeting with me directly😉
📍 https://talcatran.com

About TechHub: 📍 https://mita.lrv.lt/techhub/pre-akceleratorius

TECHHUB Info Day 2021

🇱🇹  Our first two cohorts were successful in achieving investments, customers, international networking and our alumni startuppers made impressive light speed progress. If you’re looking for professional mentoring, hand holding guidance and practical tools on how to accomplish major progress of your startups, apply today!

📆  Join us on Tuesday, September 21st to learn more and get your question answered.

Learn more about the selection and program at the information event
📌  https://www.facebook.com/events/233400842046786
More about the pre-accelerator
📌  bit.ly/mitapre-akceleratorius

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

TechHub Demo Day @login

Its almost show time!

Join us tomorrow during LOGIN 2021, and cheer for TechHub Demo Day @login 2nd cohort startuppers Demo Day.

We have all worked hard for the last 3 months, now fired up and excited to present our innovative startups.

Save the date: May 27th 2021
Register down below: https://m.facebook.com/events/217870333440193/

Watch the event online on 27 of May at 4 PM on:
Delfi.lt: https://bit.ly/3hJyVRk
15min.lt: https://bit.ly/3v6JgKY

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!
Tal Catran
Startups & Acceleration Guru

Startup Fair Recharge 2021

Join Startup Fair. Recharge 2021 and cheer for 1st and 2nd cohort of Vilnius University Tech Hub. See what our efforts, put together with great potential and dedication, made us #1 program in LT. We’re about to launch 3rd cohort and keep making an impact.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!

Tal Catran
Startups & Acceleration Guru

TechHub 3rd Cohort

Registration to TechHub 3rd Cohort is now open!

When results matter and resources are limited, time to market Vs competition is key. Having the right team supporting the challenges and some luck at your side, will take you a long way.
Well….. that’s not enough still, and the reason you should consider joining #TechHub pre-accelerator at the MITA – Mokslo, inovacijų ir technologijų agentūra.

📌 Join me and a great lineup of professional speakers and mentors, from LT and Israel, to focus your efforts and better your chances to reach your target.

Apply until May 9th: https://bit.ly/2I8qAqv
Have questions? Join us in TECHHUB INFO DAY: bit.ly/techhubinfoday
More about the program: https://bit.ly/3eaGBcT

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

EVOLUT 4.0 | Demo Day
I am delighted to participate on the Jury panel of EVOLUT 4.0 | Demo Day, and meet motivated startuppers and innovative tech.

Inviting you to join and cheer.
📆  Save the date
10 – 11 May 2021

Register on the link below

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!
Tal Catran
Startups & Acceleration Guru

🔊 I’m delighted to moderate TechHub 1st cohort Demo Day, tomorrow, Feb. 18th at 4pm.

Join us and support our amazing startuppers, all excited and motivated to present their startups to the esteem Jury of professional investors and VCs from Israel Startup Nation and Lithuania. 🇮🇱 🇱🇹

For More information ➡️ https://bit.ly/3sK9hPk

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!! 🚀🚀🚀
Tal Catran
Startups & Accelerators Guru

🏆 Great evening to remember, TechHub 1st cohort Demo day was a great success.

17 excited startuppers, presented their #innovations to an Israeli🇮🇱  & Lithuanian🇱🇹  Jury, having to pick the best 5. It was a struggle, all startups made impressive and professional presentations, yet we had winners. I was delighted to take part in mentoring the #startups and moderate the event, alongside my partner in arm Gediminas Rumšas. Kudos to the winning startups: Lector pro, mointellect.lt, Oxus.AI, Noble Nettle & Inoradus.

⭐️ Huge thanks to the professional Jury: Guy Zbarsky, Sabra Capital leader partner, Tal Gilor Labs/08 Manager, Andra Bagdonaitė, Startup Wise Guys Lithuania partner, Gytenis Galkis, 70V partner & Justinas Noreika, Director of the Vilniaus universiteto fondas. Thanks to Jurgis DID for injecting us with positive vibes.

Last but not least thanks you to the amazing team of MITA – Mokslo, inovacijų ir technologijų agentūra: Milda Vilčinskaitė, Gintare Narakienė, Viktorija Vilėniškytė, Karolina Urbonaitė & Headline Monika Kundelyte. Thanks to the professional mentors of the Vilnius University Tech Hub: Lijana Kanarskiene, Ugnius Savickas, Vaidotas Deksnys, Tomer Ashkenazy, Gadi Peretz.

📌 Watch TechHub Demo Day: https://bit.ly/3dt1LD6

MITA Vilnius University Tech Hub / 2020

Delighted to podcast with Milda Vilčinskaitė , Agency for Science, #Innovation and #Technology (MITA) and Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Tech Hub, discussing Startups exit strategy from COVID, not that we know the New Normal is already here with us.

👓 We have talked about;

Major takeaways 🎯 Turning challenges into opportunities,

❗❗ Not only COVID-19 but every crisis that you will face.

So, stay optimistic, 🍀 keep agile and proactive ✅ watch the link below to learn what you can do more for your startup.🔻

Podcast link: https://youtu.be/J5z8OJU4AJM

Start-up DNA / 2020

🌏 Global startup economy is worth nearly $3 trillion, a increase of 20% over the last two years.
Technology-driven startups 👨🏻‍💻 aren’t just contributing to economic growth, in many aspects, they ARE the economic growth.
📣 Delighted to be the keynote speaker 🎤at “Start-up DNA” 🧬hosted by Agency for Science, Innovation, and Technology (MITA) and Vilnius University Tech Hub · Science Website in Lithuania🇱🇹, and inspire students and potential candidates to take action and apply for the soon launching Pre-Acceleration program managed by Gediminas Rumsas.

MITA Vilnius University Tech Hub / 2020

Delighted to podcast with Milda Vilčinskaitė , Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Tech Hub, discussing Startups exit strategy from COVID, not that we know the New Normal is already here with us.

We have talked about;

Major takeaways 🎯 Turning challenges into opportunities,

❗Not only COVID-19 but every crisis that you will face.

So, stay optimistic, 🍀 keep agile and proactive watch the link below to learn what you can do more for your startup.

Podcast link: https://youtu.be/J5z8OJU4AJM

⚠️ Never pass up an opportunity to educate and share what you love to do.
✈️ During my visit to Vilnius, Lithuania, as Keynote Speaker at Išmani Lietuva, I will also lecture at Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University powering Vilnius University Tech Hub and uStart program for entrepreneurial students.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀

Vilnius University Tech Hub 2019

People are People regardless of geography, language and culture. Still, they often perceive themselves differently.
🇱🇹 Lithuanians, I appreciated the challenge 🙂
We started rough but ended with love.

Remember this moment when you realized its time to let your mind soar and your talent to shine.
Thank you for being an awesome and supportive audience.
❄️  Winter is coming (J. Snow) but some people are worth melting for (Olaf).

📌 Event Išmani Lietuva
📌 Newspaper Verslo žinios
📌 Venue Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (VGTU)

Išmani Lietuva 2019

📌 Let’s face it, failure sucks! We all experience it but don’t like to admit nor share it in a post on Facebook or LinkedIn. That said, failure is a major step toward success, embrace it but to don’t fall in love with it :))

📌 Join me tomorrow at Išmani Lietuva, hosted by Verslo žinios and learn more about turning failure to success.

Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!!!🚀🚀🚀

📌 Event Išmani Lietuvahttps://www.facebook.com/events/979594332211213/

📌 Newspaper Verslo žinioshttps://www.facebook.com/verslozinios/

📍 Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (VGTU)

‘Verslo Zinios’ 2018

I love it when a plan comes together (Hannibal Smith- A Team). Great show, attentive and supportive audience.
Thanks ‘Verslo Zinios’ for hosting me and to Israel’s ambassador for participating.
Met new and old friends, all agree now its Lithuania’s ‘money time’.

‘Startup Fair’ 2016

LOGIN Startup Fair getting intimate, up close and personal, turning the lecture into a workshop on how to become a successful people and awesome entrepreneurs. Had a great time and endless energies!!